Nerf Vortex Vigilion Blaster Review

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Nerf Vortex Vigilion Blaster Feature
- Recommended Age: 8 years and up
The Nerf Vortex Vigilion Blaster is a 5-disc blaster that features a built-in, rapid-reload disc clip so you can stay in the action and on the path to victory! Drop-down clip snaps open for reload and holds up to 5 discs! This special value pack has an extra 5 discs for 10 discs total. As with all Vortex blasters, it features XLR long-range disc technology to launch discs an ultra long distance! VIGILON blaster comes with 10 discs and instructions. Hasbro was first started in 1923 and is now a worldwide leader in children's and family leisure time products and services with a rich portfolio of brands and entertainment properties that provides some of the highest quality and most recognizable play and recreational experiences in the world. Hasbro is a brand-driven, consumer-focused global company, Hasbro brings to market a range of toys, games and licensed products, from traditional to high-tech and digital, under such powerful brand names such as GI Joe, Transformers, Playskool, Nerf, Star Wars, Clone Wars, X Men, Playdoh, Mr Potato head Lite Brite and SpongeBob.

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